Health and Safety Guide for Senior Citizens

Updated on March 8th, 2024

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When we are younger, we are always concerned with our health. Most people are concerned with what we eat, what we drink, how much rest we get and how much exercise we do on a regular basis. But as we age, it gets tougher to watch our health because of family, work and other commitments.

But as we approach our later years, the need to be more aware of our health and safety is vital. As people age some of the vitamins and nutrients we had as younger adults go away which can lead to health problems. They range from memory loss to bone and joint weakness and heart health problems.

However, if we are aware of the potential problems, older adults can take steps to address these health concerns before they worsen. Senior Citizens should try to maintain a good diet to ensure that they are getting the proper vitamins and nutrients to fend off problems with eyesight, joint degeneration and bone loss. A good diet and a good all-purpose vitamin made for senior citizens can go a long way in preventing problems.

In addition, seniors should also get a moderate amount of exercise. The type and duration can depend on the age and health of the individual. But a good walk or partaking in a sport such as tennis, golf or something similar is good. A good aerobic workout can help keep your heart healthy.

But we also need to be concerned about potential memory loss. This is a big concern as people age. While it is no guarantee to keep you from having memory loss, your brain can use some stimulation and exercise as well. Activities such as reading, doing crossword puzzles and other mentally stimulating activities can help keep you sharp and avoid memory problems.

But we urge you to keep in mind that prior to any physical activity and exercise you should check with your physician. They will determine if you are fit enough to do that activity. If not, they will suggest alternative activities that you can physically handle.

To learn more about potential health and safety concerns for senior citizens, we have put together this handy listing of resources. Feel free to share this with any senior that you may know!

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